Simple DIY Mattress Cleaning Techniques

Simple DIY Mattress Cleaning Techniques

We spend one-third of our life sleeping, and a mattress is a place where one rests after a day-long hustle. As it is essential to get your mattress cleaned very efficiently.

Your mattress influences your health beyond just support and comfort. Mattresses collect numerous insect dirt mites, bed bugs, and numerous bacteria and allergens that harm our bodies and greatly influence our normal day-to-day lifestyle. All the things will remain in the mattress until it is properly washed and cleaned. Trapped allergens poorly impact the immune system. So, To have healthy sleep, you must have a clean and tidy mattress. You can hire Mattress Cleaning Adelaide company for your mattress.

Cleaning a mattress or by just shifting its sides the life of a mattress can be increased by 10-12 years.

Here Are Some Diy Methods To Clean A Mattress Are:-

  1. Baking soda
  2. Hydrogen peroxide
  3. Lemon juice
  4. Salt

You should not use any excessive chemicals for cleaning. So, the question arises: when should you use DIY Methods To Clean a Mattress? So, you should not wait for the mites to attack you but you should regularly clean it within 3-4 months with some simple steps.

  1. Flip the sides of the mattress properly and remove its covers and put it in the washing machine. 
  2. Vacuum the mattress with removed covers by properly attaching the nozzle on the mattress and extracting all dirt.
  3. Any new spills shall be immediately removed by cotton cloth and cold water will keep rubbing the cloth until all water has been absorbed.
  4. For many stubborn oil stains, a chemical mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water should be prepared. Make a paste of it.
  5. Dip an old toothbrush into this paste and apply carefully on the stubborn stain area and all stains would vanish easily.
  6. For less stubborn stains use normal disinfectants and enzyme cleaners. This disinfectant will remove all the normal stains, but do not apply the liquid directly on the mattress because it would be very problematic. This liquid also removes all the urine as it breaks proteins bonds between them which prevents all bad odors.
  7. After dealing with all the stains use a spoonful of baking soda. Baking soda is a dehydrating agent that absorbs all the excess liquid and water on the mattress.
  8. Let the baking soda sit for 30 minutes and then use the vacuum to clear all the soda and to clean the mattress properly.
  9. Let the mattress out in the air or in sunlight for some time. As the sun is the natural disinfectant that disinfectants the mattresses from outside and inside. You can check our blog 6 Reasons Of Why It Is Essential To Professional Clean The Mattress.

How To Protect The Mattress?

Protect the mattress by turning the mattress and flipping it out. Applying a good quality mattress protector of plastic that protects it from dirt, dust, spills, and also stubborn stains. At last, apply deodorizer. 

So, By using these DIY Methods To Clean a Mattress you will get rid of dirt & dust particles.

In these all simple steps, you will be free from the bed of dirt, pests, stubborn stains that can impact the well-being of the mattress. We also provide mattress steam cleaning services. Also you can check out our blog Does Scotchguard Really Save A Mattress From Stains.